Saturday, March 7, 2009

An hour at the bus stop...

The original working title for this post was "Ode to Oasis". But in light of my riveting experience at the bus stop recently....I decided that the title needs to be revised.

Now I've written an essay on this topic several times before in school in various languages. But its always been some hogwash conjured up while frantically trying to complete my exam papers.
Eg. "I saw a poor, hungry man who begged me for a rupee. My heart melted and I pulled out my tiffin-box and emptied all of its contents (vegetables, rice and all) into his hands, the milk of human kindness sloshing about inside me. I went hungry that day......but the satisfaction of having fed someone far more needy than I, made that day the best day ever."
A very touching tale. Touching, but flawed.....and I say "flawed" which is a gross understatement. Infact, its downright baloney. Here's why. Firstly, I'm a pretty sad kid.....or atleast when it comes to food. Anyone who knows me personally can vouch that food is something I don't part with easily.....not to say that I'm fat (but certain people have felt inclined to call me "healthy" (but more on that later)). And worse yet, I said vegetables, rice and all. Now who'd pass off rice like that. Now Rotis, I can understand, but RICE. No way brother. So, to reiterate, my essays were more fiction than fact.
But on Saturday, 7th March, 2009, at 10:30pm at the bus stop I spent an hour that actually merits being documented in this distinguished journal. I reached the bus stop, after an eventful day at my alma mater, complete with close friends, cricket watching and some jamming (with guitars and singing....not actually making I'm sure a few of you misconstrued. Yeah...I'm talking about you. I'm sure you're probably sniggering at yourself right now...going, "Heehee...Jamming. What a funny word! My bad!"). So I reached the bus stop....

Checkpoint question:
What time did I reach the bus stop?
A) 10:30pm
B) 10:30am
C) Brad Pitt
D) Bus stop??? Weren't we talking about Oasis???

If you answered either C or D.....Dude! Its way past your bedtime. Why don't you continue reading tomorrow, huh?
If you answered B....Close man...but not quite there. Maybe you could wash your face and get back.
If you answered A....Buddy!!! You're a genius.....what are you doing wasting your time reading this??? Go ahead and play "Who wants to be a Millionaire?", win a million bucks and share the winnings with me (you know coz it was my idea).

But if you're free and don't want to follow any of the above read on...

Well.....I've taken up quite a bit of space and I've still not even begun the tale nor have I brought up Oasis (which is ironic...considering they were the original theme for this post).
So, tell you what! I'll cover the Oasis subject now and I'll regale you with the bus stop story in the next post. Deal? Cool...

"Coz maybe.......You gotta be the one that saves me,
And Afterall......You're my Wonderwall!"

Every morning, for weeks, I used to begin my day with the vociferous Liam Gallagher echoing these words over and over. "Wonderwall" was my first rock song. And boy was I hooked. I'd be humming that tune during lectures in college. I'd be screaming the chorus repeatedly during my morning shower (an act frowned upon by the rest of the family). I owe Oasis for my keen interest in rock.......they made me what I am today. "Champagne Supernova" was the second track I heard. This song is quite the opposite of Wonderwall. Its a soothing, take you along with its flow kind of number. The sound of the ocean in the background only enhances the serene, calming effect. "Morning Glory" and "Don't Look Back in Anger" are a couple more of their songs that I'd recommend. Catchy to the core.
Oasis truly deserves the awards its been pulling in all these years. Their new album "Dig out your soul" was out in stores last year. The first single from this album, "The Shock of Lightning", is a fairly decent number. Definitely commands a second listening. You'll have to find out about the rest of the songs yourself..........or drop me a mail and I'll reply at the earliest.

In conclusion, I'd like to thank Oasis once more for making me the rock-buff I am today. Cheers to ROCK!!! And as they probably say in France.........(this is just conjecture).............Viva la Rock!!!
Song of the Post:
Capital Lights - Mile Away
(One of the most evergreen songs I've heard till date)

1 comment:

  1. really well written dude! :)

    +1 for the Gallagher brothers! :)
